We are John and Lyn Meredith, and we live in Lemoore, California where we raise cattle, and raise and train reined cow horses.
Trainer Lyn Meredith has been training horses for clients for 20 years, and has always trained her own horses since she was a youth. She shows in reined cow horse and ranch horse events. She also judges ranch and western horse shows. In the past she showed and judged extreme cowboy races.
Her training philosophy is that the horse comes first. She has a proven record of training horses that are confident, love their jobs, and have a great work ethic.
Her philosophy in training people to become horsemen is that we can become more than we even imagine. She works to build skills in riders, which in turn brings confidence to achieve goals. We have a pro cutter, a square pen, and a quad to help to “slow down” cow work so that riders can build skill and confidence.